Academic Resume
Name: LI Hui
Gender: Female
Degree: PhD
Title: Associate Professor
1994.9-1998.7 Qingdao University (B.S.)
1999.9-2002.7 Shandong University of Science and Technology (M.S)
2002.9-2005.7 Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (PhD)
Work Experience
2005.7-2018.12 Department of Educational Technology, Capital Normal University
2005.11-2008.10 Post-doctoral Station, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2019.1- College of Education, Capital Normal University
LI Hui, YANG Qingquan, WANG Huihui. Overlapping community detection algorithm based on local expansion optimization. Computer Engineering and Science, 2018, 40(11): 173-179. (in Chinese)
LI Hui. Attack Vulnerability of Online Social networks. 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2018), 1051-1056.
LI Hui. Centrality Analysis of Online Social Network Big Data. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA 2018), 38-42.
ZENG Lingqin, ZHENG Chongwei, WANG Lei, SHI Xiaojing, LI Hui. Circuit Analysis, China Machine Press, 2017.8. (in Chinese)
LI Hui. A New Algorithm for Enumerating All Maximal Cliques. 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications. 2017, 2176-2179.
LI Hui. Validation Metrics Analysis of Community Detection Algorithms. 2016 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications. 2016, 2521-2525.
LI Hui. Error and Attack Tolerance of BBS Virtual Community as a Scale-free Network. IEEE Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference. 2014, 375-379.
LI Hui, WANG Zongfeng. Studies on Opinion Leaders Recognition Model in Virtual Communities. E-education Research, 2013, 34(2):42-46. (in Chinese)
LI Hui. Topology structure analysis of reply networks on BBS virtual communities. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2012, 3(2):487-492.
LI Hui. Structural Analysis of Modern Distance Educational System Based on ISM Method. Modern Educational Technology, 2011, 21(9): 79-83. (in Chinese)
LI Hui. Educational Equipment Operational Research, Peking University Press, 2010.3. (in Chinese)
LI Hui, LI Zhen. Emergence of Collective Intelligence in Distance Education System. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Education Technology and Computer. Shanghai, China, 2010, (V1): 333-337.
LI Hui, WANG Zongfeng. A Practical Mesh Simplification Algorithm Applied in Molecular Optical Simulation Environment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology. Chengdu, China, 2010, (V6): 336-340.
LI Hui, DAI Ruwei. Development of In Vivo Optical Imaging. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2008, 34(12): 1449-1457. (in Chinese)
LI Hui, et al. Modern Distance Education: a Special Open Complex Giant System. 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference. Turku, Finland, 2008, 908-912.
LI Hui, et al. Design and Implementation of an Optical Simulation Environment for Bioluminescent Tomography Studies. Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(1): 87-94.
LI Hui, et al. Graphic Editing Tools in Bioluminescent Imaging Simulation. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 2006, 345: 241-250.
LI Hui, et al. A Practical Reconstruction Algorithm in 2D Industrial CT. Chinese journal of stereology and image analysis, 2005, 10(3):189-193.
LI Hui, et al. A Practical Software Platform of Integrated Reconstruction Algorithms and Forward Algorithms for 2D Industrial CT. Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 2005, 13(1): 9-21.
Research Projects
Research on Emotional Mining and Communication of Public Opinion in Social Media (No. 17BXW069), National Social Science Fund of China
Structural Analysis and User Behavior Research of Complex Dynamic Social Networks (No. 10CTQ012), National Social Science Fund of China
Research on Forward Problem of in vivo Optical Molecular Imaging (No. 30500131), National Natural Science Foundation of China
Study on Forward Problem of Molecular Imaging in-vivo Biofluorescence Tomography (No. 20070410146), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
Research on Evolution Model of Complex Network (No. KM201210028021), Science and Technology Project of Beijing Education Commission
Research on Community Discovery in Complex Networks (No. PHR201108137), Talents Training Program of Higher Education Institutions in Beijing Municipality
Research on the Application of Complexity Science in Education (No. 20061D0501600216), Beijing Excellent Talents Training Project
Educational Equipment Operational Research, Beijing Higher Education Quality Textbook Construction Project