Associate Professor,
Faculty of Education, Capital Normal University
People’s Republic of China
Correspondence address
Faculty of Education, Capital Normal University,105, The 3rd Western Ring Road, HaiDian District, Beijing,
E-mail: zq_cnu@163.com
Current Research Area
Teacher Education , Teacher identity, Curriculum and Instruction, System thinking on Education & Education for System Thinker
2009-2012 Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR
2015.1~ Present |
Faculty of Education, Capital Normal University
Associate Professor
2016.1—2016.12 |
Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Visiting Associate Professor |
2013.2—2014.12 |
Faculty of Education,CapitalNormalUniversity |
Assistant Professor |
2012.9~ 2012.12 |
Office of Vice President (Academic), The Hong Kong Institute of Education |
Senior Research Fellow |
2009.6 ~ 2012.08 |
Faculty of Education,FujianNormalUniversity |
Instructor |
2007.10 ~ 2009.6 |
Editorial Department of Journal ofFujianNormalUniversity |
Editor |
2006.10~2007.9 |
Centre for University &School Partnership , TheChineseUniversityofHong Kong |
Project officer |
2004.9~2006.10 |
Editorial Department of Journal ofFujianNormalUniversity
Junior Editor |
Selected Publications
Refereed Journals:
Zhang, Q., Clarke, A. & Lee, J.C.K. Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Identity Development Within the Context of School-Based Learning to Teach: An Exploratory Study in China.The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (2018) 27:477-486. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-018-0408-z.
Barry Bai,Huan Song, &Qian Zhang .Catering for teachers’ individual teaching differences in China: the case of forming reciprocal coaching circles supported by university-based teacher educators. Journal of Education for Teaching (2019)45:214-218. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2018.1548175
§ Qian Zhang, Ngai-Ying Huang,& Ou Shi.(2018). Textbook Use: The Interaction between teacher and textbook. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Science) 36(1),77-84.
§ Huan Song, Heng Wang,& Qian Zhang(2018). The Degree of accreditation of Normal students to the quality of Teacher Education and Its impact on their willingness to be teachers. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University. 17(2),48-54.
§ Qian Zhang,Huan Song, Ngai-Ying Huang(2017), The Study on the Mathematic textbook use in Beijing, Taiwan and Hongkong. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University .16(5),43-50.
Qiaoping Zhang, Ngai-Ying Huang, Qian Zhang,& Xiaoqing Li(2017), Assessment for learning: How to improve? Tribune for Teacher Education.18(10),51-54.
§ Qian Zhang & Li,Z.(2016). Teachers’ cultivation: From the perspective of learning to become a teacher, Journal of Educational Studies,12(6),32-39.
§ Qian Zhang & Ng, Wong.(2016).Methodological construction of textbook research. Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method,36(8), 43-47.
§ Qian Zhang & Li,Z.(2014). Dilemma and prospect of the identity construction of Chinese preservice teachers. Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method,34(3), 95-99.
§ Qian Zhang ,Li, Z.& Song, H. (2014) . Transfer of discourse of contemporary western teacher education research. Comparative Education Review. 36(4), 64-69.
§ Qian Zhang & Li, Z. (2014) .International experience and enlightment of teacher professional development. Journal of the Chinese Society of Education 258, 93-97.
§ Qian Zhang (2013). Paradigm, current issues, trends in international research of teacher education. Teacher Education Research. 25(3),86-91.
§ Qian Zhang , Li, Z.& Zhou Haohui (2013) .Reflection and construction of Research on small-class teaching. Journal of the Chinese Society of Education 242, 49-53.
§ Qian Zhang (2013). The construction of professional identities of preservice teachers: the empirical study on the experience of preservice teachers’ teaching practice. Research in Educational Development. (15-16),106-110.
§ Qian Zhang (2012).A Study of the Japanese teacher education accreditation system, Teacher Education Research. 24 (4),85-91.
§ Qian Zhang(2012). Institutionally construction of teacher education accreditation and evaluation. Research in Educational Development. (8),53-58.
§ Qian Zhang(2012).The Construction of Professional Identity of Pre-service Teachers ,Journal ofFujianNormalUniversity(Philosophy and social science edition). (2).77-82.
§ Qian Zhang & Li, Z.(2011).On the teacher professional development in the international comparative perspective: Based on the report TALIS 2010 of teacher professional development in OECD,Research in Educational Development.(6), 39-46.
As Chief Investigator and Project Coordinator:
2014-2017 Schools improvement and educational Grants from Xingtai Bureau of Education
Leadership in Qiaoxi District of Xingtai
2014-2016 |
Transforming the Model of Teacher Education: What can we learn from international practice |
Grants from Ministry of Education |
2008- 2010 |
The interrelationship of teachers’ professional learning communities and curriculum implementation |
Grants from Fujian Bureau of Education |
2006-2008 |
Investigation on pathogenesis of on-line education |
Grants from Fujian Bureau of Education |
As Main Participant:
2011-2013 |
Evaluation and Strategic Development Proposal for Macau Teacher Professional Development The Study on Ten Years’ Curriculum Revolution in Beijing’s Compulsory Education |
Grants from Macau Bureau of Education and Youth Affairs Grants from Beijing Bureau of Education |
2006- 2007 |
Helping Chinese Language Teachers in Primary Schools to Build up Professional Learning Communities |
Grants fromHong KongBureau of Education |
2002-2005 |
Instruction Innovation of Higher Education in the New Century |
Grants from Ministry of Education |
2002-2005 |
The Comparative Studies on Chinese and American Curriculum of Compulsory Education |
Grants from Bureau of Education inHunanProvince |
Academic Courses Taught:
Methods in Educational research
Academic English in Educational Research
Sociology Studies on Curriculum
Foundations of Educational Studies
International Conferences and Presentations
Time& Location 2018.09 Bolzano, Italy |
Conference Annual conference of European Educational Research Association |
Presentations Learning to Teach and Emerging Professional Identities of Preservice Teachers: A Chinese Perspective |
2017.12 Zhanjiang,China
2014.10 Beijing China |
Conference of Chinese American educational Research and Development Association The 2nd Global Teacher Education Summit |
Tailored for needs or targeting supply : Study on the Chinese Policy of Free Teacher Education.
The Negotiation embedded in the transfer of Preservice teachers’ teaching identity |
2014.9 PortoPortugal |
2014 Annual conference of European Educational Research Association |
Possibilities and Realities for Student Teachers’ Professional Identities Development: A Chinese Case |
2011.10 Beijing China |
The 1st Global Teacher EducationSummit |
Study on the Professional Identity Construction of Preservice teachers |
2010.9 Warwick UK |
2010 Annual conference of British Educational Research Association |
An interpretive study on the professional identities building processes of student teachers ---from the situated learning and sociocultual theory perspective |
2010.8 Helsinki Finland |
2010 Annual conference of European Educational Research Association |
Learning to Teach or Qualifying to Teach: Different Models and Conflicting Visions on Teacher Education |
~~~ The End~~~