Yuzhen Xu
Professor of Education
College of Education
Capital Normal University
Contact Information
Yuzhen Xu
College of Education
Capital Normal University
105 Xi San Huan Bei Lu, Haidian District,
Beijing. 100048, P.R.China
Educational background
East China Normal University, 3663 zhongshanbeilu, Shanghai.
Ph.D July 1995 (Education)
East China Normal University, 3663 zhongshanbeilu, Shanghai.
M.A. July 1992 (Education)
Chaohu Teachers’ College, Bantang, Chaohu, Anhui Province.
B.A. July 1985 (English Education)
Work and Research Experience
1985-1989: English teacher in Chaohu secondary specialized Agriculture School, Bantang, Chaohu, Anhui Province.
1989-1995 Research assistant,MA and Ph.D student in East China Normal Univesity
1995-present College of education, Capital Normal University
1995-1997 Assistant professor
1997-2002 Associate professor
2002- Full professor
2008- Co-director of curriculum theory program
2010- Associated editor, Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS)
2011- Founder and director of the International Research Center of Curriculum and Teacher Development
2008- Chinese Representative of IAACS (International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies)
2014- vice president, Chinese National Curriculum Research Association
Overseas study experience
2-6/2004 Visiting scholar at the College of Education, Louisiana State University, USA.
1/2006 - 1/2007 Visiting fellow at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK..
6-9/2011 Visiting scholar at the University of Brighton, UK.
8/2013 - 8/2014 Visiting scholar at the College of Education, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Honors and Activities
1995 One of the first winners of the China Mainland-Hongkong excellent PhD Dissertation Award in Humanities and Social Sciences
2004-2010 Backbone Higher Education Teacher of Beijing, honored by Beijing Municipal Government.
2002 The seventh outstanding research achievements award in philosophy and social sciences by Beijing Municipal Government
2010 The tenth outstanding research award in philosophy and social sciences by Beijing Municipal Government
12/10, 2006 specially Invited presenter at the Comparative Moral Education Doctoral Seminar at the Institute of Education, University of London. Presentation Title: Moral or Immoral Curriculum: A Comparative research on Moral Education in China and UK.
9/15, 2008 specially invited lecture at UBC, Canada. Presentation title: “What is in the light and what is in the shadow: a critical view of Chinese national curriculum reform”
7/11, 2010, specially invited lecture at University of Hongkong,, Presentation title: School-based Curriculum Development: Policy analysis, theoretical controversy and practical exploration.
2/01, 2014 specially invited lecture for the ‘Chinese Culture Week” at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Chinese curriculum reform: 10 years revisited.
Research Interests
Philosophy of Education, international Studies, Curriculum Theory, School-based Curriculum Development; Curriculum reform; Teacher education; teachers life history research.
Publications (Selected)
Books(in Chinese)
School-based Curriculum Development: Theory into Practice, Beijing: People’s Education Press, 2003
School-based curriculum implementation, Beijing: Capital Normal University Press, 2006.
Tulmud, Curriculum and the Practiical: Schwab and Rabi (by Alan Block)(translator), Beijing: Education Sciences Publishing House, 2011.
Curriculum Theory, Beijing: People Education Press, 2018(anticipated)
Chapters in Books (in Chinese)
On Shwab’s Practical Curriculum Research, 1996. In Curriculum Theory by Shi Liangfang, Beijing: Education Sciences Publishing House, pp.192-208.
What’s a Good Teacher: Reevaluation of Teacher Evaluation, 1997. in Handbook of Teacher Evaluation, Zhangyu, Chu Hongqi & Ye qilian (ed.), Beijing: Central University for Nationalities Publishing House, pp.829-848
Journal Articles in English
1. School-based Teacher Development through a School-university Collaborative Project: A Case Study of A Recent Initiative in China, Journal of Curriculum Study, Vol.41 No.1 2009, pp.49-66.
2. School-based Curriculum Development in China:Policy Analysis, Theoretical Controversy, Chinese Education and Society, vol. 44, no. 4, July–August 2011, pp. 46–65.
3. Public Imaginary in Education in China, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Vol.3 No.2, 2006. pp.52-56.
Journal Articles in Chinese(selected)
1. School-based Curriculum Implementation: A grounded theory of curriculum reform based on a project, Education Research, No.2, 2008, pp.35-42.
2. School-based curriculum development or School based curriculum development:reconceptualizing School-based curriculum development in Chinese Context, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, No.11, 2005, pp.1-10.
3. Reflections on the Basic Teaching Skills Required for Middle School Teachers in a changing context, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, No.2, 2004, pp.73-79.
4. School Reconstruction of Pedagogical Curriculum for Pre-service Teacher Education: A Report on the Research of Curriculum Reform for Pre-service Teacher Education in Capital Normal University, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, No.7, 2003, pp.50-57.
5. On School Subjects and Activities: Dewey’s Book The Child and the Curriculum Revisited, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, N0.6, 2002, pp.62-67.
6. School-based Curriculum Integration, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, N0.4, 2002, pp.21-27.
7. Principles and Strategies for School-based Curriculum Design, Shanghai Research on Education, No.6, 2002, pp.45-50.
8. On the Relationship between School-based Curriculum and National-based curriculum Development, Educational Science Research, No.5, 2002, pp.16-18.
9. School-based Curriculum Development: perspectives and Ideas, Global Education, No.10, 2001, pp.45-51.
10. School-based Curriculum Development: Backgrounds, development and the current status, Comparative Education Review, No.8, 2001, pp.24-28.
11. School-based Curriculum Development: a Conceptual Analysis, Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method, N0.4, 2001, pp.12-18.
12. Group Deliberation: A Framework for Teachers’ Participation in Curriculum Decision Making, Journal of East China Normal University ( Education Edition),No.4, 1995,pp.21-31.
Research Projects
1. 1995-1999,Beijing Curriculum Reform for the 21st Century, A “Ninth-Five Year” project authorized by the Chinese National Education Planning Office (key group member).
2. 1999-2001, Principal Retraining Project on School-based Curriculum Development, granted by the Department of Personnel, Chinese MOE.
3. 2002-2005, School-based Curriculum Development: An University-School Collaborative Action Research, A “Tenth-Five Year” project authorized by the Chinese National Education Planning Office(director).
4. 2002-2004, Curriculum Reform for Teacher Education, a project granted by the Beijing Municipal government.(director).
5. 2002-2004, Evaluation for Development, A project granted by MOE as part of the National Curriculum Reform. (director of sub-project on evaluation for the development of teachers).
6. 2002-2007, School-based Implementation of the national Curriculum Reform.. A “Tenth-five Year’ project authorized by the Beijing Philosophical and Social Science Planning Office (director).
7. 2008-2010, A Comparative Study of the National Curriculum in China and in England, A project granted by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC). (director)
8. 2009-2012, Chinese Curriculum Development 1978-2008: teachers’ life history. A “Eleventh-Five Year” project authorized by the Chinese National Education Planning Office(director)
9. 2013-2015, Joseph Schwab revisited, Chinese National Scholarship research program.
10. 2017-2020 School-based curriculum development from life history research perspective funded by the Beijing social science foundation.
International /national conferences
As Conference organizer and chair
1. 5/7-5/9, 2005, Beijing, An International Conference on the Internationalization of Curriculum Studies, Keynote presentation title “ Looking for a third space: some thoughts on the internationalization of curriculum studies”
2. 6/12-6/14, 2009, Beijing, The Practical: An East-West Dialogue, the first international conference on Schwab’s “The Practical”. Keynote address: What is the nature of Curriculum Theory?
3. 23-25/9, 2011, Beijing, An National Symposium on “Curriculum Theory and Teacher Development”. Keynote address: Teachers as curriculum developer and reform agents
As Conference participant
1. 5/21-23/5, 2006, Finland, The Second World Curriculum Conference. Presentation title ”Understanding Schwab’s THE PRACTICAL: A Chinese Scholar’s Perspective)
2. 3/21-23, 2008, New York, 7th AAACS annual meeting, presentation title” The changing moral education in changing China”.
3. 3/24-28, 2008, New York, 89th AERA annual meeting, presentation title ”School-based teacher development through a collaborative project”.
4. 4/20-4/26, 2009, San Diego, 90th AERA annual meeting, presidential session: Disciplined Inquiry: the relevance of Schwab and the enactment of his works. Presentation title” Practical understanding of Schwab’s The Practical”.
5. 9/11-9/15, 2009, South Africa, The third World Curriculum Conference. Presentation title” Struggling between the Practical and the theoretical: rethinking curriculum in-between”.
6. 4/27-5/4, 2010 Denvor, 91st AERA annual meeting. Presentation title:” Methodological Crisis and Paradigm Shift in Curriculum Studies”
7. 3/31-7/4, 2014, Philadelphia, 95th AERA annual meeting and 11TH AAACS annual meeting. Presentation title: Pride and Prejudice: Teacher’s favoritism from the perspective of teachers’ life history
8. 12/9-13,2018, Melbourne, Australia, the sixth world curriculum conference, key panelist on national curriculum from international perspective.